Selected Publications
Failed Creation, The Inflectionist Review, 4/25​​​​
Abandoned Here (poetry), Unlost Journal, 2/25
What I Know of Longing (poetry), Neologism Poetry, 2/25
Lost (poetry), One Art Poetry, 11/24​
Recovery, Five Prose Poems (poetry), Mackinaw Journal, 11/24​
Bones & Song (poetry), Red Eft Review, 10/24​
A Journal of Lost Love (prose poem), Unbroken, 10/24​
Because of You (micro memoir), Five Minutes, 09/24​
Memorial to Scarcity (poetry), One Art Poetry, 08/24​
Dear John Letter, Circa 1768 (story), Brilliant Flash Fiction, Tenacity Anthology, 08/ 24​​
A Revelation of Trees (poetry), The Inflectionist Review, 08/24​​
Territories (poetry), Poetry Breakfast, 07/24​
Daughter's Housekeeping (poetry), Poetry Breakfast, 06/24​
Sudden Storm (poetry), Autumn Sky Daily, 05/24​
The Time for Us (poetry), The Eunoia Review, 02/24​
The Apology (micro-fiction), 50-word Stories, 01/24​
Your Name (poetry), One Art, 01/24​
Our Lives Divided (flash fiction), Bright Flash Review, 01/24​
A Strong Man (flash fiction), Sparrow & Nightingale, 06/23
Still Life (flash fiction), Ekphrastic Review, 08/22